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I shipped my product to the wrong address

We strongly encourage customers to carefully review their information before finalizing an order. Please note that SITKA Gear cannot be held responsible for any shipping or product costs resulting from orders being shipped to an incorrect address. read more

Where is my order and how do I track it?

Please click on this link and provide your order number and email address used on your order to check the status of your order. read more

My package is being returned to sender.

Once a package is returned to us, we are unable to make any adjustments to the address. The package will be received by our warehouse, and your order will be automatically refunded. Please allow 7-10 business days for the refund to be processed once the package has arrived. read more

Do you ship internationally?

Currently we ship exclusively to the US and Canada. For Canadian orders, recipients are responsible for paying any applicable duties, taxes, and other fees imposed by the Canadian government. Please consult your customs office for details regarding duties, taxes, import fees, and restricted items. If you reside outside the US or Canada, we encourage you to explore purchasing options t... read more

My package shows delivered, but it's not here.

If your order's tracking information indicates a confirmed delivery but you haven't received the package, please file a lost/stolen package claim with the carrier or your local police department. Once the case is approved, please send us the details, and we'll gladly discuss replacement or refund options with you. read more

I never received tracking.

After placing your order, please allow 3-5 business days for ground shipping and 1-2 business days for expedited shipping to receive tracking information. If you haven't received tracking details within this timeframe, please reach out to us by submitting a ticket. To track your order status, visit read more
See all 13 articles